Bash does not have a built-in function specifically for capitalizing strings, but you can accomplish this task using parameter expansion or external tools like awk.
Here’s the fast track to giving your strings a snug hug in Bash.
Here’s the simple way to convert a string to lower case in Bash.
How to: Delete leading/trailing whitespace: text=" Hello, World! " trimmed=$(echo "$text" | xargs) echo "$trimmed" Output: Hello, World! Remove all digits: text="B4sh i5 amaz1ng!" cleaned=${text//[^a-zA-Z ]/} echo "$cleaned" Output: Bsh i amazng Replace specific characters: text="Hello-World!" cleaned=${text//-/_} echo "$cleaned" Output: Hello_World! Deep Dive In the beginning, text processing tools like sed and awk were the go-to for string manipulation. Bash has since incorporated pattern matching and string manipulation directly into the shell itself, giving its users plenty of power without the need for external commands.
Here’s the lowdown on substring extraction in Bash.
The # symbol gets the job done in bash.
Bash strings play nice with variables.
Bash has several ways to remove quotes from strings.
Here’s how you wield the power of search and replace in bash.
To find if a string matches a pattern, you can use grep, a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression.