Concatenating strings

Concatenating strings

How to:

Dart provides several straightforward ways to concatenate strings. Below are the most common methods:

Using the + Operator

The + operator is the most intuitive way to join strings.

String greeting = 'Hello, ' + 'World!';
print(greeting); // Output: Hello, World!

Using the concat() Method

Although Dart does not have a concat() method similar to other languages, accomplishing the same can be done using + or the following methods.

Using String Interpolation

String interpolation allows variables to be embedded directly within a string. It’s efficient for combining strings and expressions.

String user = 'Jane';
String message = 'Welcome, $user!';
print(message); // Output: Welcome, Jane!

Using the join() Method

The join() method is useful when you have a list of strings that you want to concatenate.

var words = ['Hello', 'from', 'Dart'];
String sentence = words.join(' '); // Join with a space separator.
print(sentence); // Output: Hello from Dart

Using StringBuffer

StringBuffer is efficient for multiple concatenations, especially in loops.

var words = ['Dart', 'is', 'fun'];
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
for (String word in words) {
  buffer.write(word); // Append each word to the buffer.
  buffer.write(' '); // Optionally add a space.
String sentence = buffer.toString().trim(); // Convert to string and remove trailing space.
print(sentence); // Output: Dart is fun

Third-Party Libraries

While Dart’s standard library is usually sufficient for string concatenation tasks, third-party libraries like quiver offer utilities that can complement Dart’s built-in functionality. For example, quiver’s concat() or merge() functions might be explored for advanced scenarios. However, stick to Dart’s robust built-in options unless you have a specific need that they don’t cover.