Extracting substrings

Extracting substrings

How to:

In Dart, you can use various methods to extract substrings, such as substring(), split(), and regular expressions. Each method serves different purposes and offers flexibility in handling strings.

Using substring():

The substring() method is straightforward. You specify the start (and optionally, the end) index to slice the string.

void main() {
  String example = "Hello, World!";
  String result = example.substring(7, 12);
  print(result); // Output: World

Using split():

Split a string into a list of substrings based on a pattern (like a space or comma), and then access the substring by index.

void main() {
  String example = "Dart is fun";
  List<String> parts = example.split(' ');
  String result = parts[1]; // Access by index
  print(result); // Output: is

Using Regular Expressions:

For complex patterns, Dart’s RegExp class is powerful. Use it to match patterns and extract substrings.

void main() {
  String example = "Email: [email protected]";
  RegExp regExp = RegExp(r"\b\w+@\w+\.\w+\b");
  String email = regExp.stringMatch(example)!;
  print(email); // Output: [email protected]

Third-Party Libraries:

Although Dart’s standard library is quite capable, you might encounter scenarios where a third-party library could simplify your task. A popular choice for string manipulation and pattern matching is not specifically advocated here as Dart’s built-in capabilities often suffice. However, always check pub.dev for any libraries that might suit your specific needs better.