Using regular expressions

Using regular expressions

How to:

Dart uses the RegExp class for regular expressions. Here’s a basic example to match a simple pattern within a string:

void main() {
  var pattern = RegExp(r'\bDart\b');
  var text = 'Learning Dart programming is exciting.';

  if (pattern.hasMatch(text)) {
    print('Match found!');
  } else {
    print('No match found.');
  // Output: Match found!

To extract matches from a string, you can use the allMatches method. This method returns an iterable of matches:

void main() {
  var pattern = RegExp(r'\b\w+\b');
  var text = 'Dart is awesome!';

  var matches = pattern.allMatches(text);
  for (final match in matches) {
    print(; // This prints the matched substrings.
  // Output:
  // Dart
  // is
  // awesome

Replacing text can be achieved using the replaceFirst or replaceAll methods:

void main() {
  var pattern = RegExp(r'\bDart\b');
  var text = 'Dart is not just a dart.';
  // Replace first occurrence
  var modifiedText = text.replaceFirst(pattern, 'Flutter');
  // Output: Flutter is not just a dart.

  // Replace all occurrences
  modifiedText = text.replaceAll(pattern, 'Flutter');
  // Output: Flutter is not just a flutter.

Splitting a string by a regex pattern is straightforward using the split method:

void main() {
  var pattern = RegExp(r'\s+'); // Matches any whitespace character
  var text = 'Dart is fun';

  var parts = text.split(pattern);
  // Output: [Dart, is, fun]

For complex parsing or validations not supported directly by Dart’s RegExp, you might consider third-party libraries, but Dart’s standard library is often sufficient for common regex tasks, emphasizing its utility and versatility in handling regular expressions.