Fish Shell:
Starting a new project

How to:

# Create a new directory and enter it
mkdir my_fish_project
cd my_fish_project

# Initialize a git repository
git init

# Create an initial commit with a .gitignore file
echo "*.log" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Initial commit with .gitignore"

# Bonus: Set up a virtual environment if applicable (not native to Fish or git)
# Make sure to have a virtual environment tool installed.

Sample output:

Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/my_fish_project/.git/
[master (root-commit) abc1234] Initial commit with .gitignore
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore

Deep Dive

The practice of setting up a new project has a long lineage, becoming more standardized with the rise of modern version control like Git. While some may use more graphical approaches, command-line lovers prefer the fine control and speed of terminal commands. Fish Shell, known for its user-friendly design, makes it simpler with helpful features like syntax highlighting and autocompletions.

Alternatives include using IDEs with built-in project initialization or scripts in other shells like Bash or Zsh — but Fish shines in its simplicity and interactivity. When it comes to implementation, the init process is inherently customizable; you adapt it to fit the stack and toolchain of your choice. Whether it’s adding build tools, setting up linters, or creating a directory structure, it’s all about making your future development smoother.

See Also