Fish Shell:
Downloading a web page

How to:

Here’s the quick and dirty way to download a web page using Fish Shell with the curl command:

curl -O

This command fetches the contents of the webpage and saves it with the same name as the filename on the server (index.html for most cases).

Now, say you want to save it with a different name:

curl -o my_page.html

Want to see what you’re fetching? Here’s how to print it to the console:


Sample output might look like this:

<!doctype html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>

Deep Dive

Back in the early days, fetching web pages was more command-line magic than anything else. Tools like wget and curl became staples. curl, around since ‘97, has stood the test of time for delivering data using URL syntax.

Why curl over wget? curl is more of a data transfer swiss army knife, dealing with a range of protocols and data formats. While both can download web pages, curl can also upload data, and it supports more protocols and is often used as a back-end tool by other software.

Fish Shell itself doesn’t download web pages; it’s just the interface. But pair it with curl, and you’ve got a powerful yet simple one-liner web-fetching rig.

Some folks might bring up using more modern tools like httpie or browser-based automation with tools like Selenium for more complex tasks like dealing with Javascript-heavy pages. However, for the quick and straightforward download, curl still holds the fort.

See Also