Fish Shell:
Capitalizing a string

How to:

In Fish Shell, strings can be manipulated directly with built-in functions, without the need for external tools or libraries. To capitalize a string, you can combine the string command with subcommands.

# Sample string
set sample_string "hello world"

# Capitalize first letter
set capitalized_string (string sub -l 1 -- $sample_string | string upper)(string sub -s 2 -- $sample_string)

echo $capitalized_string


Hello world

For scenarios requiring the capitalization of multiple words in a string (e.g., converting “hello world” to “Hello World”), you would iterate over each word, applying the capitalization logic to each:

# Sample sentence
set sentence "hello fish shell programming"

# Capitalize each word
set capitalized_words (string split " " -- $sentence | while read -l word; string sub -l 1 -- $word | string upper; and string sub -s 2 -- $word; end)

# Join the capitalized words
set capitalized_sentence (string join " " -- $capitalized_words)

echo $capitalized_sentence


Hello Fish Shell Programming

Note that Fish Shell does not directly offer a single-command approach for full sentence capitalization in the same way some programming languages do with their string methods. Therefore, combining string split, string sub, string upper, and then rejoining represents an idiomatic approach in Fish Shell for achieving this.