Forkful Open Source Coding Cookbook
1. Getting Started
Starting a new project
2. Strings
Capitalizing a string
Concatenating strings
Converting a string to lower case
Deleting characters matching a pattern
Extracting substrings
Finding the length of a string
Interpolating a string
Removing quotes from a string
Searching and replacing text
Using regular expressions
3. Numbers
Generating random numbers
Rounding numbers
Working with complex numbers
4. Data Structures
Using associative arrays
5. Good Coding Practices
Handling errors
Organizing code into functions
6. Files and I/O
Checking if a directory exists
Creating a temporary file
Reading a text file
Reading command line arguments
Writing a text file
Writing to standard error
7. Dates and Times
Calculating a date in the future or past
Comparing two dates
Converting a date into a string
Getting the current date
Parsing a date from a string
8. Testing and Debugging
Printing debug output
Using an interactive shell (REPL)
Using a debugger
Writing tests
9. Data Formats and Serialization
Working with CSV
Working with JSON
Working with TOML
Working with XML
Working with YAML
10. HTML and the Web
Downloading a web page
Parsing HTML
Sending an HTTP request
Sending an HTTP request with basic authentication
Last updated on April 9, 2024