Parsing HTML

How to:

Kotlin makes parsing HTML straightforward with libraries like Jsoup. Here’s how you do it:

import org.jsoup.Jsoup

fun main() {
    val html = "<html><head><title>Sample Page</title></head><body><p>This is a test.</p></body></html>"
    val doc = Jsoup.parse(html)

    val title = doc.title()
    println("Title: $title")  // Output: Title: Sample Page

    val pText = doc.select("p").first()?.text()
    println("Paragraph: $pText")  // Output: Paragraph: This is a test.

We grab the title and paragraph text, just scratching the surface of what Jsoup can do. But it’s a start.

Deep Dive:

Before Kotlin, Java was the go-to for this, often clumsily. Jsoup flipped the script by providing a jQuery-esque approach. Parsing HTML isn’t exclusive to Jsoup though; other libraries like HtmlUnit or even regex (though advised against) exist. With Jsoup, you ensure that your parsing respects the document’s structure. It uses a DOM model, enabling selection and manipulation of elements. It’s resilient, too—it can parse even the messiest HTML.

See Also:

Dive deeper into Jsoup:

For broader discussions and tutorials on web scraping and parsing: