Working with YAML

How to:

Lua does not have built-in support for YAML, but you can work with YAML files by using third-party libraries such as lyaml. This library allows for the encoding and decoding of YAML data with Lua. First, you’ll need to install lyaml via LuaRocks, Lua’s package manager:

luarocks install lyaml

Decoding YAML:

Suppose you have the following YAML content in a file named config.yaml:

  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  username: user
  password: pass

You can decode this YAML file into a Lua table with the following code:

local yaml = require('lyaml')
local file ="config.yaml", "r")
local content = file:read("*all")

local data = yaml.load(content)
for k,v in pairs(data.database) do
  print(k .. ": " .. v)

When you run this script, it should output:

host: localhost
port: 3306
username: user
password: pass

Encoding YAML:

To encode Lua tables into YAML format, you use the dump function provided by lyaml. Considering you want to create a YAML representation of the following Lua table:

local data = {
  website = {
    name = "Example",
    owner = "Jane Doe",
    metadata = {
      creation_date = "2023-01-01",
      tags = {"blog", "personal", "lua"}

local yaml = require('lyaml')
local yaml_data = yaml.dump({data})

The output YAML will be:

- website:
      creation_date: '2023-01-01'
      tags: [blog, personal, lua]
    name: Example
    owner: Jane Doe

Following these patterns, Lua programmers can effectively manage YAML data for a variety of applications. These operations with YAML are crucial for developing versatile Lua applications that interact smoothly with other parts of a system or with other systems directly.