Getting the current date

How to:

Lua provides the function to get the current date and time. The function can be used without arguments to get a formatted string or with format specifiers to customize the output. Here’s how to use it:

-- Getting the current date and time as a formatted string
print(  -- e.g., Thu Mar  3 14:02:03 2022

-- Customizing the output format
-- %Y for year, %m for month, %d for day, %H for hour, %M for minutes
print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))  -- e.g., 2022-03-03 14:02

For more sophisticated date and time manipulation, Lua does not have built-in libraries as rich as some other programming languages. However, you can use third-party libraries such as lua-date ( This library offers more comprehensive functionalities for manipulating dates and times. Here’s how you might use it:

First, ensure you have installed the lua-date library. You can typically install it using LuaRocks with the following command:

luarocks install lua-date

Then, you can use it in your Lua script like so:

local date = require("date")

-- Creating a date object for the current date and time
local now = date()

print(now:fmt("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))  -- e.g., 2022-03-03 14:02:03

This example demonstrates the creation of a date object representing the current moment, which you can then format similarly to the function but with added flexibility and options provided by the lua-date library.