Working with YAML

How to:

PHP, as of its current iterations, does not support parsing YAML as part of its standard library. The most straightforward way to work with YAML in PHP is by using the Symfony YAML component or the yaml PECL extension.

Using Symfony YAML Component

First, install the Symfony YAML component via Composer:

composer require symfony/yaml

Then, you can parse and dump YAML content as follows:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

// Parsing YAML
$yamlString = <<<YAML
greet: Hello, World!
  name: Symfony
  language: PHP

$array = Yaml::parse($yamlString);

// Creating YAML from an array
$array = [
    'greet' => 'Hello, YAML!',
    'framework' => [
        'name' => 'Symfony',
        'language' => 'PHP',

$yaml = Yaml::dump($array);
echo $yaml;

Sample output when parsing:

    [greet] => Hello, World!
    [framework] => Array
            [name] => Symfony
            [language] => PHP


Sample output when dumping:

greet: Hello, YAML!
    name: Symfony
    language: PHP

Using yaml PECL Extension

If you prefer, or if your project requirements allow, the PECL extension can be another efficient way to work with YAML. First, ensure the extension is installed:

pecl install yaml

Then, enable it in your php.ini configuration:

Here’s how to parse and emit YAML:


// Parsing YAML
$yamlString = <<<YAML
greet: Hello, World!
  name: Symfony
  language: PHP

$array = yaml_parse($yamlString);

// Creating YAML from an array
$array = [
    'greet' => 'Hello, YAML!',
    'framework' => [
        'name' => 'Symfony',
        'language' => 'PHP',

$yaml = yaml_emit($array);
echo $yaml;

The output will be similar to the Symfony component’s, illustrating YAML’s role as a bridge between human-readable format and PHP array structures, facilitating easier configuration and data handling.