Working with YAML

How to:

Ruby comes with a built-in library called Psych for parsing and emitting YAML. To utilize it, you first need to require the YAML standard library. Here’s a basic example to get you started:

require 'yaml'

# Hash to be serialized
person = { name: "John Doe", age: 30, skills: ["Ruby", "JavaScript"] }

# Converting the hash to YAML
yaml_data = person.to_yaml

puts yaml_data

Sample Output:

:name: John Doe
:age: 30
- Ruby
- JavaScript

To load YAML data back into a Ruby object:

loaded_person = YAML.load(yaml_data)

puts loaded_person

Sample Output:

{name: "John Doe", age: 30, skills: ["Ruby", "JavaScript"]}

Using Third-Party Libraries:

Although the standard library is sufficient for basic tasks, for complex needs you might look into third-party gems like ‘safe_yaml’. To use such libraries, you must first install the gem:

gem install safe_yaml

Then, you can use it to safely load YAML data, mitigating risks like object instantiation from user-controlled sources:

require 'safe_yaml'

safe_loaded_person = SafeYAML.load(yaml_data)

puts safe_loaded_person

Sample Output:

{name: "John Doe", age: 30, skills: ["Ruby", "JavaScript"]}

This approach enhances the security of your YAML handling, making it a good choice for applications that load YAML from untrusted sources.