Parsing HTML
How to:
To parse HTML in Ruby, install the ‘Nokogiri’ gem with gem install nokogiri
. Nokogiri is like a Swiss Army knife for working with HTML and XML in Ruby. Here’s a quick example:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
# Load HTML content from a website
html_content ='').read
# Parse the HTML
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
# Extract the title
title = doc.xpath('//title').text
puts "The title of the page is: #{title}"
This spits out something like: The title of the page is: Example Domain
Deep Dive
Back in the early Ruby days, options for parsing HTML were limited. REXML was built-in but slow. Then Hpricot showed up, but it fizzled out. Nokogiri debuted in 2008, blending the ease of Hpricot with the speed and power of libxml, a proven XML toolkit.
In the parsing world, there are always alternatives. Some swear by the built-in ‘rexml’ library or ‘oga’, another XML/HTML parser for Ruby. But Nokogiri remains a favorite for its robustness and speed, not to mention its vast array of features.
Under the hood, Nokogiri converts HTML into a Document Object Model (DOM)—a tree structure. This makes it easy to navigate and manipulate elements. Using XPath and CSS selectors, you can pinpoint any piece of information you need.
See Also
- Nokogiri gem:
- Ruby’s rexml documentation:
- Alternative parser ‘oga’:
- Learn about XPath: