Converting a string to lower case

Converting a string to lower case

How to:

fn main() {
    let greeting = "HeLLo, WoRlD!";
    let lowercase_greeting = greeting.to_lowercase();
    println!("{}", lowercase_greeting); // "hello, world!"


hello, world!

Deep Dive

Before the .to_lowercase() method, you might have seen Rustaceans using .to_ascii_lowercase() for the same task, which only affected ASCII characters. The Rust standard library evolved, offering .to_lowercase() for full Unicode support—meaning it can handle more than just English! This matters a lot if your app steps out into the wider, multilingual world.

What’s under the hood? Well, the to_lowercase() method isn’t just swapping out ‘A’ to ‘a’. It’s more like a tiny linguist, knowledgeable in Unicode’s ways. It follows the Unicode standard to correctly lowercase characters respecting their cultural nuances.

Of course, there are alternatives. You can bust out a loop, plow through each char, and convert it yourself. But why reinvent the wheel when Rust’s standard library has put in the work?

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