Interpolating a string

Interpolating a string

How to:

In Rust, we use the format! macro:

fn main() {
    let name = "Ferris";
    let greeting = format!("Hello, {}!", name);
    println!("{}", greeting); // Prints "Hello, Ferris!"

The format! macro works like println!, but it returns the formatted string instead of printing it.

Deep Dive

Rust chose macros like format! for string interpolation over in-language syntax. Why? Macros are powerful and flexible—extending language functionality without complex syntax.

Historically, languages like C used functions like sprintf, clunky and error-prone. Rust’s format! macro is safer, preventing common mistakes.

Alternatives exist, like concatenating with + or the format_args! macro for avoiding heap allocation. But when it comes to ease and clarity, format! is king.

Performance note: format! allocates memory. For performance-critical code, consider other methods, like writing directly to a buffer.

See Also