Searching and replacing text

Searching and replacing text

How to:

var greetings = "Hello, old friend!"

// Simple replace
greetings = greetings.replacingOccurrences(of: "old", with: "new")
print(greetings) // "Hello, new friend!"

// Using options for case-insensitive replace
let caseInsensitiveResult = greetings.replacingOccurrences(
    of: "hello",
    with: "Hi",
    options: .caseInsensitive
print(caseInsensitiveResult) // "Hi, new friend!"

// Replacing with regular expressions
let regexResult = greetings.replacingOccurrences(
    of: "\\bnew\\b",
    with: "best",
    options: .regularExpression
print(regexResult) // "Hello, best friend!"

Deep Dive

We’ve been swapping text in strings since the early days of computing. Initially, it was with simple command-line tools like sed. In Swift, replacingOccurrences(of:with:) does the heavy lifting, and you get more control with options like .caseInsensitive or .regularExpression.

Alternatives in Swift include using NSRegularExpression for complex patterns and NSMutableString for mutable string operations. Under the hood, Swift’s string replacement methods bridge to powerful Objective-C counterparts, providing speed and versatility.

See Also