Checking if a directory exists

Checking if a directory exists

How to:

TypeScript, when run in a Node.js environment, allows you to check if a directory exists by using the fs module, which provides the existsSync() function or the asynchronous access() function combined with constants.F_OK.

Using fs.existsSync():

import { existsSync } from 'fs';

const directoryPath = './path/to/directory';

if (existsSync(directoryPath)) {
  console.log('Directory exists.');
} else {
  console.log('Directory does not exist.');

Using fs.access() with fs.constants.F_OK:

import { access, constants } from 'fs';

const directoryPath = './path/to/directory';

access(directoryPath, constants.F_OK, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Directory does not exist.');
  console.log('Directory exists.');

Sample Output for both methods, assuming the directory does exist:

Directory exists.

And if it doesn’t:

Directory does not exist.

Using a Third-Party Library - fs-extra:

fs-extra is a popular third-party library that enhances the built-in fs module and provides more convenient functions.

import { pathExists } from 'fs-extra';

const directoryPath = './path/to/directory';

pathExists(directoryPath).then(exists => {
  console.log(`Directory exists: ${exists}`);

Sample Output when the directory exists:

Directory exists: true

And if it doesn’t:

Directory exists: false