TypeScript, being a superset of JavaScript, allows for various methods to capitalize strings, ranging from pure JavaScript approaches to utilizing third-party libraries for more complex or specific use cases.
Concatenation is fundamental; it’s been around since the early days of programming.
In TypeScript, making a string lowercase is a piece of cake.
Historically, dealing with strings in programming can trace its roots back to the dawn of computing.
In TypeScript, you slice and dice strings with methods like substring(), slice(), and the ES6 includes() for finding text within strings.
In TypeScript, you get a string’s length using the .length property.
To interpolate a string in TypeScript, you use backticks ` and ${expression} syntax.
Here’s your no-nonsense guide to cutting those pesky quote marks loose from your strings in TypeScript.
TypeScript, building on JavaScript, comes with handy methods for string manipulation.
Let’s jump into TypeScript and see how regex is used for common tasks.