שרשור מחרוזות

שרשור מחרוזות

How to: (איך לעשות זאת:)

In PHP, you concatenate strings with the dot (.) operator. Here’s how:

// Basic string concatenation
$greeting = "שלום";
$name = "דוד";

$welcomeMessage = $greeting . ", " . $name . "!";
echo $welcomeMessage; // Outputs: שלום, דוד!

Combining with other variables and functions:

$firstPart = "אני ";
$secondPart = "מתכנת PHP.";

$wholeSentence = $firstPart . $secondPart;
echo $wholeSentence; // Outputs: אני מתכנת PHP.

// Using concatenation with a function
function addExclamation($string) {
    return $string . "!";

echo addExclamation("נהדר"); // Outputs: נהדר!

Deep Dive (צלילה לעומק)

String concatenation dates back to the earliest programming days. PHP uses the . operator, unlike JavaScript’s + or Python’s join() method. Variables within double quotes are parsed, but single quotes are literal; hence, for complexity’s sake, concatenation is clearer. PHP 8 introduced “Stringable” interface allowing objects to be concatenated directly if they implement a __toString() method.

See Also (ראה גם)