שרשור מחרוזות

How to: (איך לעשות:)

Ruby makes it easy. You can use +, <<, or concat. Here’s how:

# Using +
greeting = "שלום " + "עולם!"
puts greeting # => שלום עולם!

# Using <<
first_name = "ישראל"
last_name = "ישראלי"
full_name = first_name << " " << last_name
puts full_name # => ישראל ישראלי

# Using concat
hello = "שלום"
world = " עולם"
puts hello # => שלום עולם

Deep Dive (צלילה עמוקה)

Originally, in older programming languages, strings were just arrays of characters. Concatenation was manual. But Ruby, with its user-friendly philosophy, made it much simpler.

Ruby’s + is simple and clean, but creates a new string. The << and concat methods modify the original string, which can be more efficient.

Don’t forget about interpolation:

name = "מר ישראלי"
puts "ברוך הבא, #{name}" # => ברוך הבא, מר ישראלי

Interpolation is more Ruby-ish and often preferred for its readability and performance benefits.

See Also (ראה גם)