Wyszukiwanie i zamiana tekstu

Wyszukiwanie i zamiana tekstu

How to (Jak to zrobić):

Python makes text manipulation easy. Here are simple examples using the replace() method and regular expressions.

# Using replace() method
text = "I love programming in Python!"
new_text = text.replace("love", "enjoy")
# Output: I enjoy programming in Python!

# Using regular expressions
import re

text = "Contact us at [email protected]"
new_text = re.sub(r"[email protected]", r"[email protected]", text)
# Output: Contact us at [email protected]

Remember, replace() is good for simple, direct substitutions, while regular expressions are more powerful for patterns.

Deep Dive (Głębsze spojrzenie):

Searching and replacing text isn’t new. It traces back to the earliest text editors in computing history, like ed and sed in Unix.

Alternatives to Python’s replace() and re module include third-party libraries like regex for complex pattern matching. And for large-scale text processing, tools like AWK and Perl are often used for their powerful text-processing capabilities.

As for implementation, replace() is straightforward but can’t handle patterns. Regular expressions with re.sub() allow for pattern matching and complex replacements but can be slower and harder to read.

See Also (Zobacz także):