Пошук та заміна тексту

Пошук та заміна тексту

How to: (Як зробити:)

String text = "Hello, World!";
String searchText = "World";
String replaceText = "Ukraine";

text.replace(searchText, replaceText);
Serial.println(text); // Prints "Hello, Ukraine!"

Sample Output:

Hello, Ukraine!

Deep Dive (Занурення)

The replace method in Arduino was designed for simplicity. Historically, text manipulation has been part of programming since the early days. Alternatives include regular expressions in more advanced languages or manual character iteration in simpler systems. Implementation-wise, the replace method iterates through the given string, identifies the pattern, and replaces it. Efficient for small to medium texts, larger text handling might require optimized algorithms like KMP (Knuth-Morris-Pratt).

See Also (Дивіться також)