Об'єднання рядків

Об'єднання рядків

How to: (Як це робити:)

Bash lets you concatenate strings easily. Here are some straightforward examples:

# Direct concatenation
greeting="Hello, "
echo $welcome_message
# Output: Hello, Oleksiy

# Using curly braces for clarity
full_greeting="${greeting}there, ${name}!"
echo $full_greeting
# Output: Hello, there, Oleksiy!

# Concatenating with a variable update
suffix=" How are you?"
echo $welcome_message
# Output: Hello, Oleksiy How are you?

Deep Dive (Занурення глибше):

In early computer programming, memory was precious. Concatenating strings had to be done carefully. Today’s Bash doesn’t sweat the small stuff - it’s easy and efficient.

Alternatives to Bash’s direct string concatenation include using printf, echo, or command substitution:

# Using printf
printf -v full_message "%s%s" "$greeting" "$name"
echo $full_message
# Output: Hello, Oleksiy

# Concatenation with command substitution
date_prefix=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
log_message="Log entry for $date_prefix: All is well."
echo $log_message
# Output: Log entry for 2023-03-15: All is well.

Behind the scenes, Bash handles string concatenation by simply laying one string after another in memory, letting you treat multiple strings as one.

See Also (Дивіться також):