Виведення налагоджувальної інформації

Виведення налагоджувальної інформації

How to: (Як це зробити:)

PowerShell’s basic command for output is Write-Host, but for debug-specific output, we use Write-Debug. Remember, Write-Debug is silenced by default. To see the debug messages, you need to set $DebugPreference or use the -Debug parameter.

# Basic output
Write-Host "This is a regular message."

# Debug output
Write-Debug "This is a debug message."

# To see the debug message without changing global preference
Write-Debug "Here's a debug message with -Debug parameter." -Debug

# To change the preference globally
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
Write-Debug "Now you see all debug messages!"

Output for this would be:

This is a regular message.
DEBUG: This is a debug message.
DEBUG: Here's a debug message with -Debug parameter.
DEBUG: Now you see all debug messages!

Deep Dive (Поглиблений аналіз):

Once upon a time, debugging was about squashing physical bugs that shorted circuits. Today we’ve got more sophisticated methods to track down errors. Write-Debug follow this tradition by allowing developers to peek inside their running scripts.

There are other ways to debug in PowerShell. Besides Write-Debug, you can leverage Write-Verbose for detailed info, Write-Warning for potential issues, and Write-Error for actual errors. Tools like the PowerShell debugger, breakpoints, and the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) are for more complex scenarios.

Write-Debug outputs to the debug stream, one of the six streams in PowerShell. This design lets you control where and how much information you spill out. It’s all about managing noise – ensuring that you get the signals you need without the irrelevant chatter.

See Also (Дивіться також):