Створення тимчасового файлу

How to: (Як зробити:)

Swift has the FileManager class to help out. Here’s a quick example:

import Foundation

func createTemporaryFile() {
    let tempDirectoryURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory
    let tempFileURL = tempDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("tmpfile").appendingPathExtension("txt")
    let content = "Temporary data here"
    do {
        try content.write(to: tempFileURL, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
        print("Temporary file created at \(tempFileURL.path)")
    } catch {


Sample output:

Temporary file created at /var/folders/.../tmpfile.txt

Deep Dive (Поглиблений Розгляд):

Historically, temporary files date back to the early days of computing, used to manage limited storage space and reduce memory usage. Alternatives to temporary files include in-memory storage or databases, but these may be volatile or impractical for large data sets. In Swift, FileManager ensures that temp files go in the correct directory, which is unique per user and session, minimizing security risks and avoiding clashes.

See Also (Дивіться Також):