
How to: 如何操作

import Time exposing (Posix)
import Date

-- 假定有两个Posix时间戳
date1 : Posix
date1 = Time.millisToPosix 1588291200000  -- 2020年5月1日

date2 : Posix
date2 = Time.millisToPosix 1609459200000  -- 2021年1月1日

-- 比较函数
isBefore : Posix -> Posix -> Bool
isBefore = Time.compare < 0

isAfter : Posix -> Posix -> Bool
isAfter = Time.compare > 0

isEqualTo : Posix -> Posix -> Bool
isEqualTo = Time.compare == 0

-- 输出比较结果
compareDates : String
compareDates =
    if isBefore date1 date2 then
        "date1 is before date2"
    else if isAfter date1 date2 then
        "date1 is after date2"
    else if isEqualTo date1 date2 then
        "date1 is equal to date2"
        "Can't compare the dates"

-- 检验
compareDates  -- 返回 "date1 is before date2"

Deep Dive 深入了解


See Also 另请参阅